I'm fairly new to the blogging world, but I wanted to try it out, see if I can stretch my creative reach!
I am Mistress Midnight from the game Secondlife, fashion designer, friend, and dork :) I've been in Secondlife for over 3 years now and i find it's a good outlet for me creatively. I really love to see people like my art so much that they're willing to spend their hard earned $L on my items!
Like most (yes, most) residents into clothing, I started out ...lets just say not the brightest star in the sky... seams were an afterthought and the preview window didn't exist yet.. but I guess somewhere around year 2 i started to take the whole clothing design thing seriously and I purchased a LOT of land in Maroon and had a store with Torrid Midnight - my best friend :D - Later I opted to ditch the parts of maroon I owned and splurge on buying umber from some friends who no longer needed the land, and then just to keep me on my toes, Linden Lab came out with personal islands! so you know, had to have that too! Later on after Midnight City was a bustling community I had some RL drama that had to be handled so I sort of disappeared from the SL community and have only recently (within the last few months) been trying to break back into SL's scene. Aimee Weber, who is and has always been an amazing person no matter what you read on fictionblogs.. purchased Midnight City from me and has since turned it into a really amazing place with museums, shopping, and clubs :)
So that is pretty much as compact as I can make my Secondlife story, and maybe If I get the hang of this blog thing there will be more to come!!
Until next time :)